“We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life. But all that we need to make us happy is something to be enthusiastic about.”
Since I’m a storyteller, let me tell you my story. Once upon a time…. Kidding. There’s not much you need to know about me except that I have been absolutely in love with the written word as far back as I can remember. I learned to print at the age of four, would routinely check out stacks of books a mile high at the public library, and wrote my first novel when I was ten (the well-worn duo-tang remains unpublished).
Once I grew up, I got an English degree from Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada, moved to Los Angeles, and got a job at The Hollywood Reporter where I honed my skills of unsolicited grammar correction. I was part of a mass layoff, started my own freelance writing & editing business, and from then on have never looked back on the 9-5 lifestyle.
I usually have several ongoing clients in addition to numerous one-off projects (see my writing and editing services). For fun I write a travel blog, read endlessly and make grammar cheat-sheet infographics. I had a column called Romantically Challenged, have written short stories and a few novels, and a couple of short films I co-wrote and -produced played in short film festivals (including the Akira Kurosawa Short Film Festival where it placed).
This is all to say: I love the English language. I write. I edit. I perfect. I tell stories. I can’t help it — it's in my blood.
Feel like a quick read? Check out my latest short story on my secret author page!